real members, real results


I am a 54 year old woman ( post menopause) and I play golf to a county standard. I found I had no get up and go and kept getting recurring, niggly injuries that was hampering my golf. Jack and Drew were recommended to me and I haven’t looked back.

Only 2 months in and going twice a week I am really feeling the benefit of the weights and cardio, I couldn’t do any reverse lunges and now I am doing 5 lots of 20!! And even more excitingly I can carry my own golf bag around the course which I haven’t done for years.

The nutrition talk has helped me look after my food intake and this has benefitted me hugely.

I sleep better and most of all really enjoy the sessions with Jack and Drew.


I've been coming to BSF for a couple of months now and have found it a very positive and supportive place to go.

Having avoided gyms for most of my life I had to convince myself to step out of my comfort zone to initially sign up, but I shouldn't have worried, Jack (and Drew) are the most supporting and encouraging trainers you could hope to meet, as are the other clients you may share sessions with.

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend BSF to anyone looking to take that initial, tentative step into a personal training environment. You will be guided and helped along the way and you will find yourself wanting to push yourself more to achieve your goals.


Approaching my 60th birthday and as a post menopausal woman, I decided that I needed to improve my lifestyle and exercise regime to include strength training with weights which is so important for women as they mature.

I have been doing weekly sessions now with Jack for a couple of months and I’m already noticing a difference to my muscle strength, mobility and general tone.

The workouts take into consideration my age and are tailored to my individual ability; he motivates me to push myself and push my boundaries. Surprisingly I really look forward to my workouts and that resulting endorphin buzz which set me up for the rest of the day.